Sonoma County Hills

How lucky are we to live in such a beautiful place? I'm appreciating it especially today because it has stopped raining for the time being and we are enjoying spring weather. If the green hills aren't streaked with yellow mustard flowers, it is blue lupins or golden poppies. T

In the field behind our house we have poppies lupin and yellow buttercups. We were out there this morning with Dana trying to decide where to plant our garden of native plants...redbud, toyon and ceanothus, although planting  native plants seems like an oxymoron to me.. Dana has visions of a goat or a burro out there too,, but I don't think she has visions of taking care of it. 

The hummingbirds are returning to the garden and enjoying the grevillea blossoms more than the sugar water we put in their feeders.The orioles the colors of New York taxicabs have been spotted flashing through the trees, and the sparrows swarm the ground and the rosemary hedge, practically invisible despite their numbers. The large covey of quail finish their day with a stately walk down the stairs to scratch about and mumble to each other on the ground underneath the bird feeders.

Will is home from school for his spring break and we're going to make tacos with lots of salsas for dinner tonight. A nice spring meal....

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