"If we can find the money..."

OK, maybe there is one more day to be eked out of this birthday. A lunchtime coffee with that splendid fellow IttH.

He sent me a message this morning asking if I was around today and it couldn't have been more timely; I had an unexpected minor crisis that was a rare overlap between my personal and business lives. There simply was no one better to ask for advice. (And his advice was excellent.)

He also brought along my Christmas present, which has, with impressive adaptiveness, morphed into my birthday present. A t-shirt featuring the admirable Tony Benn, bearing his quote "If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people". Amen to that.

PS I have to say that this is an excellent portrait of IttH. No skill on my side, just a happy accident, capturing the essence of this joyous fellow. 


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