Slug Fodder

This time last year anything that flowered in the garden was slug fodder.  After a very mild winter 2015/16 the slime-ball population was at an all time high and eating everything new and fresh :-(   Thankfully, after a reasonably cold winter here in East Anglia, this Spring the damage level is much lower.  The first flower on this Androsace carnea did get nibbled but today things look pretty good with the promise of more to come.  Androsace are little alpine plants, sometimes called Rock Jasmine.  As can happen with common names, they're not actually Jasmine at all but members of the Primula family.

Work on the wheelchair ramp progresses, although todays setback left something rather more serious than yesterdays pawprints on the cement.  One of the workman sliced into his finger and bled profusely before passing out, the latter fortunately into the arms of his workmate who prevented further harm from a fall.  Apparently the shock of seeing the blood, combined with the surge of pain can briefly lower the blood pressure enough to cause a faint.  Paramedics dressed the wound and off to A&E they went for some stitching up.  Never a dull moment at our house ..... at least this time the paramedics were not for one of us!

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