Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Spring in Glendhu Bay

Very early start, even before grub, so it seemed The Boss had a plan of some sort and we just drove out and straight down the road to here where he leapt out the car, ran round and took pictures and leapt back in the car and drove home.
I thought he might have wanted the lovely early morning light but it appeared that he had heaps to do with a Photographic Competition that he runs once a year at SeniorNet and needed the whole day free and blipped.
As it happened there was a bit of wind by after grub time, so I guess he was lucky there too.
Can't stop and chat as he is busy installing Lightroom on the SeniorNet laptop to get a black screen for the show tomorrow.
Rush rush rush and did I get a walk? Well yes I did so no complaints there.

This bay is the premier camping site for summer, when you would have trouble walking round it without tripping over tent ropes but at this time of year it is deserted. The Boss and The Bossess actually camped here in a tent about 35 years ago. They had a boat then too. Time flies when you are having fun and writing bad poetry.

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