knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

What a tangled web we weave

At least somebody has been weaving this morning, unlike me.
Had to do some emergency baking as Gonzo let me know that the apples needed picking by trying to play fetch with them.
I picked 20 apples off our wee tree and just over half are in the fridge and the rest have become gluten free apple cake and apple and cherry muffins. I'm quite impressed with myself as the muffins were a major bodge effort as I wasn't really following a recipe. Also made some nice rolls as well.
When I was hanging out the washing I saw this little chap on the drier. Headed back indoors for my camera and zoom lens and managed to bag this shot. Whilst I was taking it's picture it's minion was harvesting the local fly popuation.
Really must do some weaving now before it's tea-time.

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