
By tookie

68 and one Day celebration with ....

my Portland family!  They stopped overnight on the way up to Bellingham.  We had my official birthday cake and blowing out of the candles!  M was asleep as it was kind of late, but Z did a terrific big giant puff and another puff to successfully blow out this monumental numero 68!  He got a big charge out of the tiny balloons and bumbershoots I'd put on the cake.  There were also two tiny bunnys on the cake that were leftover suger cookies from my tea of yesterday.  So this collage shows him helping to blow out the candles, talkin to his new fork that we got him of his very own to have at our house, and more of the family around the table and smiles all around.  Such a grand way to draw another birthday celebration to a close:)  I am so very very thankful for my tiny little very special family!!!    I think the wishes from blowing  out the candles already came true!

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