Han Span

Han came over from her hostel & had breakfast with us this morning...Asha was SO delighted to have more time with her! We went & had coffee in the square & nattered...such a lovely way to spend an hour or 2.
Then later we all headed to Kitchen Church. Really good to see Han in one of our places, as it were! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A quiet day - yesterday was relaxed too, but it was good to just be slow today, and enjoy Han.
2) Asha being in bed early - she is one tired girl!!
3) Having some 1-1 sister time... She'll actually be here on holiday with her family, my parents and an aunt & uncle...in 2 weeks time! But by then we'll have (will we???!!!!!) a baby & there will be loads of people...so it was extra special to just be together. 

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