
By briocarioca

A polyphony of parrots

Well, parakeets probably. They've established a colony somewhere nearby, or maybe they''re fighting for one. The noise is incredible and groups fly shrieking overhead while others keep up the cacophony among the trees. Didn't manage any decent photos, so the bird bath confrontation gets it.

I was so enjoying watching the birds manoeuvering and scrapping that I kept HH waiting at the club after his game. The rufous-bellied Thrush hogged the bath for ages, seeing off a Great Kiskadee, which surprised me, as those are aggressive birds. Then a sparrow saw off a brightly coloured Tanager, but other birds were less fierce and politely waited their turn.

The cat is on my lap at the moment, for once not purring continuously. For the last several weeks I've agonized on Sunday nights as to whether she should be taken to the vet on Monday to be put down. She eats a lot and loudly requests more, more, MORE, but she's dehydrated and a walking skeleton - an unsteady one at that. Thyroid medicine hasn't made any visible difference. I keep hoping nature will take its course sooner rather than later, but...

I apologise for being so behind on comments and thanking people for the stars and even a few hearts. Hope to catch up soon. Meanwhile, I hope you've all had a good weekend. 

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