Leaf triptych

Sometimes the simplest things make the prettiest images. This leaf from the Jacaranda tree at the bottom of our garden was just so pretty against the dark clouds that passed over this afternoon. They came to nothing; we're supposed to be dry until Sunday, so that'll be pleasant.

I did some cleaning at home this morning and then headed to the inlaws' house to do some weeding for them. Muminlaw has just had her second cataract done this morning and so I thought it would be nice to do something for them. Dadinlaw has a cold and is feeling a little under the weather. I have made them a light dinner they can heat up when they're ready tonight.

Then I popped into town to buy a few little gifts for a friend in NZ who has just had a beautiful baby boy. He was 8lb 7oz, and born by emergency c-section. Both are doing well now.

About to go and take Cousteau for a walk now.

Catch you later.

Night all.


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