Parrot fashion

I love tulips ;-)

A disturbed night, but luckily we had gone to bed a bit earlier than usual, so overall I got enough sleep.

Weather mixed, chilly wind, the odd sunny spell. ut they didnt last long.....long enough to get a blip though ;-).

This is one of our Parrot tulips beginning to unfurl........they are gloriously vibrant and frilly :-).

Ive had a nice few hours out with my sis, she came to our house so we went to a market garden towards Southport, called Sootys, and had a nice lunch in the cafe, which is called Sweeps :-)) I bought three tangerine geums for a brown enamel pot I have, which will look rather nice beside our front door I think :-) Sis got pansies, and we voth got some compost.

We had cod loin with chorizo, home made oven chips and peas for dinner, before I dashed off to a " camera chat and coffee" session in the next town. I saw it advertised in our local magazine, run by a professional photographer. Turned out to be a really good session for £5 and hes going to do one a month...will definitely go again :-) an enjoyable and informative two hours.

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