Slush Puppy Skiing

Thank you for all the kindness shown to yesterdays little wander.

Barring some seriously freaky weather over the weekend today was probably my last day of skiing this season. For lots of sad, complicated and daft reason it was also Mrs IttH's first.
Whilst it's always glorious to have a bluebird day we could almost see the snow melting before our eyes, laying down to create some foreground interest for today's blip the top of the snow was a thin layer of water.
But, and its a big but, it was a stunning day. Valley temps in the 20's, mountain temps in double digits and not a breath of wind. Add in a fabulous plat du jour at the excellent little Rosellete Refuge together with a well earned tipsy ski buzz and it was as good a way as any to finish a season.

The extra shows some interesting wildlife:
I think an early mining bee (who needed to share my glass of water - fortunately he wasn't partial to vin rouge....)
A blurry shot of a crossbill (credit to FWG). I struggle with birds as my eyes can be slow to focus and they're gone before I can react, but i was stunned by this chaps colouring.

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