An alpine wander

A drizzly day turned stunning, we headed over to the far end of the Chamonix valley in search of better weather, but by lunch time it was glorious everywhere.
High above Argientiere the Easterly wind was bracing, but out of the wind it was seriously warm. Everywhere on the slopes of Possettes and Cheserys there is evidence of this fast thaw and tumbling avalanches - Spring seems to have firmly gotten hold of things now. We wandered along the 1800m contour for a while - and when the wet snow started to make progress difficult we sat and simply stared - then we headed over to the alpine garden to see if anything stirred yet. We found Coltsfoot, Croci and Anemones galore but the star of the show was the lovely bright pink Least Primrose (Primula minima) which my field guide tells me is endangered - it clings to seemingly vertical rock - something sure to make me smile.

Extras are;
Mrs IttH admiring the view
The view she is admiring (the Aiguille Verte)

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