Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

The Tick-Tock Thing

Blip was a bit of a difficult choice tonight. I had nothing by the time I got home. Miss 6 greeted me with another song "she" had "written". I might have to talk to her about plagiarism and Jonah Lehrer and suchlike, as the lyrics did sound slightly familiar, even t a fuddy-duddy like me:

"it's just a step to the left
And then a jump to the right
Put your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust {I'm not entirely sure exactly what she had written here}xP
That really drives you insaaaaaane
Let's do the time walk {sic} again."

Oh, and mixed therein was also "Go, greased lightning!" ;-)

Anyhoo, I got her to do an encore performance, and took some photos. They came out rather funny and gorgeous (I think) but rather blurred.

I took some pictures of mrs tsuken and Miss 6 sitting together looking utterly gorgeous, but they were more family snaps than blips.

Mstr 5 wanted to take photos of the other three of us, and I was rather impressed by the results (and B&W here). Not only was I impressed with his effort, but I was quite pleased with myself: this was with the (manual) Pentax lens, so I estimated the distance he might be at, set that with the distance ring, closed down the aperture a bit to give some more leeway, flipped up the flash to speed up the shutter, and gave him the camera. Not bad, I think. ;-)

But, this. This just took it for me. He asked for my "tick-tock thing like on Nuzzle and Scratch" (my metronome). He was having a great time playing with it: you can see how happy he was. 8) Especially in large.

I didn't use the flash - because I really rather dislike it - so this was using the widest aperture I can (f/2), and is noisy because high ISO - and is blurred nonetheless. I still like it though. 8)

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