It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Gimme HopeB

Well it's a week since my foot surgery and I'm still hobbling about. Stupidly, I went to pick up my new wheels last night and walked too far...I think my foot became a little swollen as a result. Still, I liked my wheels, H Son Archetype rims with good old Hope hubs from Barnoldswick and hand built at the BikeWorks. 

I had a few meetings via Skype in the morning and then hopped out to the shop. I bumped into Graham my physio' from Physis. He had a hairy fit the way I was walking and warned me it would knacker my hip if I continued that way. He was surprised I hadn't been given crutches, so found some in the practice, adjusted them, gave me a lesson and sent me on my way.

I spent the rest of the afternoon either Skyping or writing up my essay for my PGcert....which I actually enjoyed. It was good that Rosemary got home from work at a sensible hour too!

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