Flower Friday - Tulips are better than one

So stand up tall and if you blush
Ignore it and continue
Speak your truth and don’t hold back
Go forth with all that’s in you.
And if the fight gets tougher
Simply stiffen up the sinew
Don’t let the bastards grind you down
Put bastards on the menu…

Heh, so where did that NaPoWriMo2017 offering come from...? :-) Yes, there have been moments of intense irritation today, but overall the day's been lovely. Shorts may have been taken out of long closed drawers, and the camper van fridge appears empty of Stella (must fix that). I even had to resort to sun cream today, and I don't generally burn. Must be getting old. Anyhow, for Flower Friday these two were standing so tall in the sunshine it seemed a shame to go with anything else. Do you know, nearly four hundred years ago speculators would trade immense riches for even the potential promise of a tulip bulb? Eventually of course the bottom fell out of the market.

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