Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Jet stream

We woke early and laboured through the various check-in, security, immigration and bus waiting at Faro airport.  Fortunately we'd stocked up their phones and tablets the night before so both kids were as good as gold on the airplane - I even managed to play a bit of Zelda on the Switch.

Landing back in Edinburgh, we jumped in a taxi and arrived home to a bunch of parcels, one being a trampoline for the kids.  In an effort to wear the kids out before settling them down for the night, I endeavored to build the thing.  I must admit, if I'd have known how long it would have taken to build (3.5 hours), I probably would have opted for a large glass of wine instead.  Still, we kept the kids up until it was finished, gave them half an hour's worth of bouncing and then watched them quickly pass out.

As great as the holiday was, it's nice to be back home.

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