Pleasant Pheasant

I looked at the pheasant
and the pheasant looked at me
(his friend had wandered far across the field).
I held up my camera
and the pheasant raised his head
and squawked to show he wasn't going to yield.

That suits me, I told him,
as his gaze remained unstirred
his eye a shiny black and yellow dot.
I know it's not a gun, he said,
so, go on, fire away.
So I did - not only one shot, but a lot!

Thank you for all the nice comments on my yesterblip. Today I had no difficulty identifying my bird. But ... if you're a twitcher - or know anything about birds - and can help me identify yesterday's bird (which I now think is a chiffchaff) or my bird of seven months ago (that I thought was a chiffchaff at the time, but as its looks differ, I'm no longer sure), then I'd be very grateful for your opinion. 

Another lovely coatless day! I know it can't last, but it's been fabulous.

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