
There is a disappointment 
When a beetle that you see
Turns out to be a beetle
You’d prefer him not to be.
That’s not a black faced cardinal
On your fritillary
In fact a scarlet lily bug
Advancing on his tea!
His favourite meal is lily
Or fritillary, ’tis said
If I find him tomorrow
I’m afraid he will be dead.
I’m very fond of nature
And we all need space to be
But I’m not about to watch him
eat my snake head flowers for tea!

Snake Head Fritillaries are some of my favourite plants, and this year we've had a lovely cluster in the garden. When I saw this fellow climbing a stem, I was more interested in grabbing a quick macro shot than identifying it. I initially thought it was a black headed cardinal beetle, but on checking I realise it is in exactly the place it wants to be... bugrit!

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