
By Marygold

The Barn. Just as it is

Today was billed as the hottest day of the year for many places. London hotter than Ibetha apparently! For once the north wasn't disappointed and it was a beautiful day from the first dog walk around 9 am through to nightfall.

This was taken on the first walk and I decided that I would choose buildings with a story to tell but maybe not a great historical story. Sometimes just an everyday story of life and work where the ordinary just is. Most things are just ordinary with the extraordinary reserved for its rarity value. This is an ordinary barn, storing resources to make the basics of life - food.

As I drove home listening to radio 2 I thought about how music adds perspective and time to our lives. At once I thought it doesn't seem very long since, "Every breath ....."was out in the chart to discovering I was 5 years out it was the early 1980's. The next song played came out when the post office tower was opened, and I knew all the words! Again time seemed to concertina between these offerings.

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