
The fields have bloomed!  The favourite multi-billion-euro pride of the nation is in full flower, in all the colours of the rainbow.

The day began with the 2-day seminar on The Internet of Things -- about the sharing economy, data on the net, sensors in everyday objects that track everything you do, privacy issues, government interference, digital markets, speculations, and so on.  A colleague agreed to take over my grammar classes, and my regular communications 1st-year classes have received my mail with information about the requirements for this block.  My second and third-year classes are still enjoying their re-sit exams, where applicable, so no classes there yet.  No pressing work for Wednesday and Thursday, so I will use the time to catch up with the administrative side of things.  In the meantime, will enjoy this seminar.  After the seminar, detoured to Goeree-Overflakkee on the way home, to check if the tulips were out, and shot this.  There are probably more fields out there waiting to be admired, and I will spread them out on the calendar so that I don't run out.

Afterwards, went home, had a bite to eat and a cup of tea, then put on a 'dirty' T-shirt to do some painting in Breda.  No hubby at the new house, no paint, and, important for me, no ladder!  Picked up the mail and drove back home, and no hubby there either, so tried him on his mobile, and yes, we missed each other in Breda.  Turns out he had an unexpected appointment with the physiotherapist who irons out the creases in his muscles.  Returned to Breda and there he was.  Relief.  Finished a small wall to see if the paint matched the old one.  The patch should be dry by tomorrow and hubby will tell me how it looks.  After about two hours together, hubby took his food out of the fridge and had his dinner, then put on a clean shirt and left for his usual Monday bridge, and I went back home, but not before remarking to hubby that painting a wall now sure feels different compared to 17 years ago.

Once home, had my own dinner and tea, then attacked the new MOOC -- Multilingual Practices.  This is about applications in multilingual contexts and don't I just love languages.  Some NCIS, some dishes, caught up with my BLIP posts.  At the very least, all this keeps me off the streets.

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