
By LadyPride

First Aid & A Date With Academia

Audrey and I socialised today. With other Mums and babies. We never do that. Mainly because I'm frightened she'll start screaming and the whole experience will be too stressful. But when my neighbour Fran set up a first aid course, the guilt got to me. I had to go. What if Audrey choked one day and I didn't know what to do?

And do you know what? She was an angel. I actually think she enjoyed socialising with other babies. Maybe it's time we ventured out more.

In-laws came over as I had to have a long phone call with my accountant in the afternoon and then my husband and I had our second date night planned An unusual choice this time. Attending the opening of Manchester Met's new business school and a lecture on digital marketing. Hardly romantic but I really enjoyed being back in a room full of marketeers.

We headed to a new place in town called Gorilla for steaks afterwards but it was all a bit much for me. Am not ready for trendy bars yet. I just wanted to me home in my PJs, close to Audrey. I had a little cry as a result (probably the wine!) and we paid up and flew home in the Monster Truck. Am homr now tucked up ready for another night's broken sleep; but at least I get to hold her again soon. Am so smitten it's not true....!

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