Wednesday Wedding

I was up early this morning to go to youngests house, to pick him up and take him for a 9am eyemappointment in Liverpool. Traffic wasnt too bad as its easter break.

Weather was rubbish grey, drizzly, windy and cold too! His contact lens specialist was pretty happy with things, put has decided to order another lens, to try and achive an even better fit. Hopecully he will hopefully have it in time for his In Laws wedding at the end of May. Thats the wedding Im going to take the photos for :-/

After a sandwich we called into the wedding venue so that I could see where th ceremony will take place, look at the grounds and their reception room. Luckily I took my camera with me, so was avle to,wuickly snap these beautifully brightly dressed folk on their way into their wedding....such a shame the sun wasnt shining for their day :-( Its not th best picture, as I didnt want to intrude!

Afterwards, I took youngest to his dentist appointment, called into Lidl for some groceries, picked him up, dropped him back at home, before going home myself......traffic was awful, took twice as long as it should have, got,in at 5.30 :-/

Hub has been into Manchester today to meet his friends for lunch......he beat me home by an hour. I had a make shift tea before calling my sis to see how shes doing....shes ok, but obviously sad and finding their house so quiet and empty. At least her hub is off over easter so they have some time together.

Im really tired this evening, so after catching up on a couple of tv programmes weve recorded, it will be bed by 11.

Promise to have a big catch up with your journals soon.

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