Come into the Garden

By aprecious

More beach?

I'm NOT tired okay?
I'm NOT. Not even a little bit!
I'm just pretending...resting my eyes... it's important to keep aprecious on her toes... I can spark into life in a second.

In a second!

I'm NEVER tired. Yesterday on the beach I ran and chased frisbees and chewed my ball and ran and chased frisbees and chewed my ball and ran and chased frisbees and chewed my ball... ad tedium ad infinitum!

I also had a conversation with aprecious. It went like this:

Maud: (curious) aprecious is that a naked man over there?
aprecious: Yes
Maud: And a lady there with no top on?
aprecious: Yes


Maud: aprecious why are you wearing an overcoat?
aprecious: I'm from Yorkshire...

This is a regional joke and is probably only funny to me! Bit buttoned down us Yorkshire folk! In fact, I have no issue at all with people going naked (especially on a nudist beach) but I am always amused about the potential of seeing someone later on on the cheese counter in tesco... Having earlier seen quite a lot of them....

Padstowbabe, guess what? It's hot again!

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