Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Another Blip Meet

After we checked out from the hotel we met up with WalkingMarj and Blipping Forty for coffee in nearby Corbridge. It was lovely to meet Elspeth for the first time and also to catch up with Marj who is responsible for getting me into blipping.  There was plenty of time to get to know one another, Elspeth and Marj had not met before. After coffee Marj whisked us off to the churchyard (as she does) for some blips to record the day. We parted and went our separate ways. Guy and I had lunch at The Corbridge Larder before leaving Corbridge and driving home. Then it was back to earth with some quick shopping for dinner before setting off for an SPS meeting.

I have posted a couple of extras taken by me (the main image was taken by Guy). I did have one with Guy in the picture with Marj and Elspeth but as he looked drunk I refused to post it! M and E both have better ones of Guy.

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