Robin on the Fence

Jamie had told me where to find some new lambs at Burton on the Wolds. As soon as I found the field, heavy rain began to fall. The camera and lens are supposed to be watertight so I soldiered on, but I'd only recently dried my hair. All that energy was undone as the rain pelted down.

Fortunately, it didn't last too long, so didn't penetrate my Paramo jacket. How could those sales people claim that the jacket was water-proof? Shower proof maybe, but waterproof, no. Neither is it overly resistant to the cold.

As I parked the car, I spotted this robin posing for me on the fence. It just had to be done.

With my fill of lambs in the field, I popped in to say Hello to Jamie, who showed me the lambs he is  housing in the barn. There were two ewes. One had had triplets but didn't have much milk. Two of her lambs stayed with her although I think they were getting hungry. The other lamb had been put with the other ewe who had carelessly laid on her own lamb and suffocated it. Her head was poking through a hole in a board, a bit like the stocks, to stop her turning round and attacking the lamb. Jamie said she would get used to being a surrogate after 4-5 days.

The sun was shining as I drove back through Rempstone, where I spotted more lambs. See extra. I took the opportunity to park on the side of the road to capture Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station set against they yellow oil seed rape and a dramatic sky.

I've started putting clothes aside to pack. Must get motivated.

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