Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Chicago day 5

Better than I anticipated! I got to rest and ice my ankle in the am while H took the boys out for breakfast ( we let them sleep in today!) and to buy their "souvenirs" .. These jerseys were 10x more $ at the game. Oskar has been talking about them for 4 days.. Now we're all happy we don't have to hear about them more. Nik has been talking about going to Harold's chicken shack for literally years as recommended by a friend. Well as his mom says, middle school kids have odd desires. After noon I decided that I could walk well enuf ( with the aid of a phenomenal "ankle air cast" we got from the ER last night.) So we took a TAXI there ( Oskar is loving taxis!!). ..Oskar couldn't eat his.. Nik says it was a 7 out of 10. but he can check it off his bucket list and we don't have to hear about it any more either. ! Then taxi to Old Town where we walked around showing the kids where we lived in an area of the city that actually has houses. They said they now knew why we live in a place like we do in Seattle :-) pointing out similar townhouses. Had a Starbucks coffee stop .. It was not even a company back when we lived there... Looks way different ( and not so nice). We lived on the second floor of the house with the green shutters. We're all happy and done with Chicago. Plane tomorrow. Kids in the pool . Dinner soon across the street. Arm ok but very awkward "cast"goes around 90degree elbow bend. Am sure it will get old very fast. Appreciate all your well wishes! It's not easy to get old....

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