Easter Basket

This cornucopia of temptation arrived with His Lordship after a visit to his daughter on Friday. The effort she put into assembling such an Easter delight for us is worthy of a mention on these pages. The thinner Lady Findhorn will have to ration her intake drastically, giving HL the upper hand in the scoffing stakes.

Talking of Easter eggs, I wonder how many younger people in Britain know their significance or the relevant Christian message at this time of year. I'm not sure how many children go to Sunday School nowadays or how many have a Christian assembly in their schools- not many I bet.

When I was growing up, Church and Sunday school were de facto every Sunday and Easter was the time for a new beginning which coincided nicely with nature and Spring.

More pragmatically, I remember it as a time of crocuses, spring flowers and sunshine, feeling so proud as I stand on the path on the way to church wearing my new Easter bonnet and new Clarks sandals.

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