Future Generation

Content beats quality of rendition in my photography book. So, here is my shot for today which I couldn't leave out, despite the poor cropped-in mini-iPad resolution. My illustrator may be able to turn it into something better using her fancy programmes and her skill with an electronic paint brush . . . I'll ask her.

Dd found an oasis country club with day passes near Sakkara outside of Cairo for an excursion today. I'm sitting beside their pool which is to my left as I post this and the Western Desert lies to my right.

We meandered down some side roads en route and enjoyed the smells of the fertile Nile valley complete with donkeys, goats and buffalo. This little kid wandered into shot perfectly on cue as we returned to the main road beside the canal. What his or her future holds is anybody's guess but let's hope it's fantastic!

I managed to upload a couple of extras for the first time from my iPad!!

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