Rack and Ruin

Egypt is still on the path to rack and ruin. We received cascade messages to avoid certain parts of Cairo as people react against President's Sisi give away of two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia whose territory has been disputed since the nineties. No parliamentary consultation or approval had been sought and the president's fair minded research teams had concluded that the islands had never been Egypt's in the first place. Can you imagine David Cameron handing back Gibraltar just like that?

Of course, the research teams may have been swayed by the Saudi king being in town and his latest offer of a $34bn bridge project uniting the two countries, all costs borne by the Saudis, but still.

President Sisi gave a speech saying you had to be honest in the face of facts just as his mother had always told him. #Mymothertoldme is now the red-hot favourite hash tag in the Egyptian social media relentlessly taking the micky out of you know who.

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