Easter Sunday-eve

Lots of Easter goodies can only mean one thing - Easter Sunday at my brother's in Aberdeen.  It's a fun day out - my brother and his family invite the rest of the family and their friends who have kids over and have lots of fun activities lined up.  My brother has a wooded area on his land and one of the adults dresses up as the Easter Bunny and runs off round the path in the woods and the children chase after the bunny.  Hanging from the tree branches are bags of Easter goodies with the kid's names on them, so they have to try and catch the Easter bunny and at the same time keep a lookout for their goodies.  The garage is cleared of cars and tables are set up with lots of lovely food and drinks.  There are activities for the kids too - stickers, egg decorating, rolling decorated eggs  down the hill and just lots of fun and a great chance for us all to get together.  They have been doing this for many years now, since their own children were wee.  I suppose the children will soon be reaching the ages where Easter Sunday is not so appealing to them - although I hope it still takes place, as there are still some younger children in the mix.  As a big kid myself, it's a great time to behave like a child (as usual  ;o) ).  I've bought some goodies to take up to Aberdeen, hot cross buns, Easter colouring-in paper, stickers and foam shapes to decorated, funny bunny spectacles and some wee cakes.  Hopefully the weather will stay dry and we can throw in some games of football with the kids and the ever-competitive sack-race - with the adults race containing much more cheating than the kid's one.  Happy Easter everyone.

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