Adam's Images

By ajt


The forecast looked a git grim this morning, but in the end it brightened up a little so we went for a bike ride. If I don't ride the bike I don't get to eat chocolate... We managed a 52.5 km ride with what seemed to be a permanent head wind - which is impossible if you cycle in a loop as we did.. Lots of other people out walking, cycling and on horse back today.

After the ride I loaded the washing machine up and then did some French homework, a comprehension exercise on polar bears... Then I went to take some pictures and finally hung up laundry to dry.

The bike ride burnt an estimated 850 kcal of energy so I'm okay to have half (80 g) of a 74% cocoa egg as that is 480 kcal. I wasn't really a fan of dark chocolate, even when it has loads of sugar in, I do like the milk to take the bitter edge off. However as I eat so little sweet stuff these days my palette has shifted and I can eat 74% cocoa and not flinch, in fact I now find most milk chocolate disgustingly sweet and it's actually hard to get high cocoa content milk chocolate at all in most places.

Now it's time to light a fire and do some ironing!

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