Shoot, Paint, Post, MOOC, Repeat

Same day as yesterday.  Sometimes, repetition isn't so bad.

Worked a bit more on week 2 of the MOOC.  No rush there.
Returned to Goeree-Overflakkee to the same field as yesterday.  Shot the flowers I didn't shoot yesterday, then drove through more of the area looking for other fields.  There's an area on the way to Middelharnis which I'll visit tomorrow.  Isn't tulip-hunting fun?
Afterwards, drove to Breda and did another 1/4 of the wall.  It's starting to look the way I want it to look.  Again, three hours was fine.  As if on cue, my arm started to ache and that was the stop signal.
Haven't had any Sunday NCIS for the past three weeks,  but that's okay.

It looks like it will be an earlier night.  Easter Monday tomorrow, but I'd like to start earlier because work starts again on Tuesday.  In the meantime, got a Messenger message today from an old schoolmate, G.  She used to bully me when we were younger.  She is visiting for a couple of days in May with two other schoolmates, plus a couple of other friends and someone's husband.  As luck would have it, her visit will almost coincide with the move to Breda + the last two weeks of class.  It will be a hectic time and I told her so.  I said I'd try to meet them the evening of the day they arrive (a Saturday, I believe) so we can have dinner, but that's about it.  Actually, I don't mind if I don't see them much.  I hope I won't be too tired to enjoy, but I'll have an excuse to visit Amsterdam again, and that is actually what I'll be doing it for.

Your Easter was good, I trust.

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