
By SecondSeason

Life is good

I love the fact that my kids know me well.  This quote was one of the gifts I received for my birthday on Monday.  I'm a 'words' gal.  A logophile...a lover of words.  (I didn't even know such a word existed if it weren't for Google.)  I don't feel like I have an extensive or highly intellectual vocabulary, but I do enjoy trying to find descriptive or alternate words instead of my usual go to's.  

But more than just enjoying words, this quote my oldest daughter gave me, shows me how well she knows me.  She's witnessed the risks I've taken in my life, the sacrifices I've made, the going against the flow, pushing past boundaries, living outside the box to name a few.  This past decade I have soared to heights experiencing new freedoms as never before.  Living life as an adventure.  Pushing myself beyond what I believed I could do.  Choosing gratitude daily.  I believe I've become (and still becoming) the woman I was meant to be.  In my wake, I have numerous younger women, watching, observing how I walk out my life.  For this reason alone, I choose to continue to challenge and grow, to gracefully accept myself as I age and hopefully leave an imprint on those whose lives I touch.  Even though there are enough days that I struggle whether it be emotionally or physically (damn arthritis!), I can't say it is good!

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