Sometimes . . .

. . .  you get what you pay for.
Every morning I juice oranges. This has become such a habit that it spoils us for any juice from a carton, including those that say ‘freshly squeezed – they are not! For many years I have been using a simple electric citrus juicer and it has given very good service. However, I began to feel that it was on its way out – the plastic bits were wearing and chipping, the motor groaned and the whole thing felt quite unstable.
So I started looking for a replacement. Not easy, as I did not want to juice anything else, so all the fancy big juicers were out.  Neither did I want a huge machine that chewed up the oranges and took up lots of space. I found a few cheap ones that did not look as if they would last five minutes. And then I found SMEG!! That’s the posh, ‘technology with style’, made in Italy and very expensive stuff that they use on Bake Off and you look and say . . . how much!!
Anyway this citrus juicer was just what I wanted, but at £164 it was obviously a no. Then I found the same thing at the place beginning with A that we are not supposed to use, but we all do – for £100. And I could choose any colour.
Still a lot to pay for a juicer, but it did look good and for something I use every day . . . . . . . it was bought.
And it is wonderful. The machine purrs along almost silently. It is perfectly stable. The working bits are made of metal and are easy to clean. It feels right  and is brilliantly efficient. And it is the most delicious red. It’s a joy to use and I love it.
Sometimes . . .  
. . .  you get what you pay for.

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