Devil Dog!!

Strange how you can walk past something a hundred times and then suddenly notice something. This is one of the many gargoyles around Carlisle Cathedral. A Devil Dog or some such thing. I have no idea how he got the yellow glowing teeth, but they are rather impressive.
We spent some time in town getting a few things done before we go away and, as we were just setting off for home and thinking of all that still needed to be done, I got a text from Will and Sheila suggesting meeting up for lunch, as they were on their way back from Scotland.
It did not take us long to decide that everything could be left for a while and off we set for Larch Cottage Nursery. A really lovely lunch, with lots of chat – great idea you two. We then left them buying plants and we returned home to gather things together. We are heading north tomorrow . . . but not very far north.

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