A time for everything

By turnx3


Roger and I went walking up at Caesar Creek State Park this afternoon. We did the Gorge loop trail in the gorge below the dam. Then we went to the Visitor Center and had a look at the exhibits there and went on a short trail from there, along the lake a little way, then through a prairie like area and past this partially frozen pond. It had been a very grey afternoon, but at this point the sun broke through for a bit and I took several shots around the pond. Then we drove over to the Pioneer Village, where they have a number of log cabins from South West Ohio which have been moved and reconstructed here to depict life on the Frontier. you can walk around the village at any time, but the cabins are open only on Special Event weekends.

An interesting story from the day - When we were at the Visitor Center, Roger bought a map of the park trails, but when he came to read it he realised he didnt have his glasses. He was puzzled by this, as while he doesnt actually require them for driving yet, he does usually have them with him most of the time. When we got home, he hunted high and low for his glasses, and I helped him, and we couldnt find them. By this point he had a vague recollection of taking them off to put on his sweater, before going for a walk - though he couldnt be certain it was today! Anyway, he finally decided to drive back to the park (about a 30 minute drive!) and see if they were in the car park. I felt it was a bit of a wild goose chase, as it was virtually dark by this time and would be totally dark by the time he got there. However, much to my amazement he found them - he said he didnt even need to use the flash light - they glinted in the headlights - and what's more they were still in one piece! He reckons what he did was he took his glassses off to put his sweater on, and put the glasses in the trunk on top of his overcoat. Then when he picked up his overcoat, the glasses fell on the ground and he didnt notice! And then when we drove out, we drove out forwards, rather than reversed out! Quite a fortuitous chain of events!!

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