
I had some work to do this morning, which mainly involved reading a long and not tremendously interesting document, so I thought I would take it with me and find somewhere nice for breakfast and coffees while I took a stab at it. 

The hotel is just around the corner from Drummond Street, which is one of my favourite roads in London, and there are two or three breakfast options down there, all of which I think have previously sampled with the Minx. I remembered that we had particularly enjoyed Brizzi's - with its curmudgeonly owner - so I went there.

The tedium was broken by Dean, who joined me for a cup of tea around eleven, and then I set off later for a meeting at the Hilton, which was a bit of an unknown quantity but turned out to be interesting, enjoyable, and positive. 

After that, I walked down to Waterloo in order to take the train to Fulwell, to visit my friends, Keith and Ange, and their daughters, one of whom is my Goddaughter. It was a splendid evening. Their kids are lovely and their company is wonderful (even if some of the political debate was a little unconventional!).

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