
In nicely circular fashion we are spending the final night of our trip in the same place as the first night, back in September.

Sibster Forest is very handily placed for a stopover close to Scrabster and we use it often, either to sleep overnight or simply for exercising the canine contingent before moving on when there is less time. There are two circular walks here and we generally take the long one when time permits.

When we were last here  there was work going on erecting pylons. The work is now completed and instead of one line snaking away into the distance, there are two. 

The forest trees are not growing so fast. Perhaps because this spot is just a little bleak. We are certainly feeling the cold after the West Coast's Spring warmth. It was sweatshirts and fleeces today. Hats were observed. A few days ago we were stripped down to short sleeved cotton shirts.

Just now we are mid-hail shower. I am thinking that we will not be eating our breakfast at a picnic table in the morning.

Feeling quite emotional about being home now.

Backblips follow when more power is available. After three nights "wild" batteries are now low.

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