Life In Wales

By KarenC

Seaford Head

I left Rachel's at 8.30am and had a good journey home with only the usually hold ups on the M25.  Then this afternoon Alan and I went to Seaford as he wanted to go to the museum in the Martello Tower.  We walked along the beach and after visiting the museum we carried on to Splash Point and then climbed up Seaford Head.  

The view was amazing, but I was quite surprised that there was no fencing to stop people standing on the edge of the cliffs, despite the large cracks!  (see my extras). This shot was taken on the top of the cliffs, although it's hard to get a feel of the height.  

When we got home we shared a bottle of fizz in the Palace, and the exciting news is that we've booked to go back to Riquewihr in the Alsace for Christmas, and mum is coming too.  We last went at Christmas five years ago, and it was so Christmassy, so although I don't want to wish the year away, I'm really looking forward to it.

Hope you're having a good weekend, I'm sorry I'm behind with your journals, but I'll catch up tomorrow x

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