Edinburgh in the blossom

I love Edinburgh in the blossom. The Meadows. Our courtyard at work. Along Princes Street. It's a fleeting moment, but it never ceases to amaze me what a colourful show it is.

Early start this morning to get the bus over to the Filmhouse to hear a friend speaking to a wee breakfast get together of the European Movement Scotland. We hung around afterwards chatting to her and to others, before getting (a different) bus back, which took us along Princes Street. We got off a bit after our stop and walked along one of the WoL paths back to the flat, passing what we think is a little apple tree with blossom (see extra). Meanwhile, I tried not to feel guilty about missing the two big demos in Edinburgh today - the March for Science, and Pedal on Parliament (a link here will have to wait until Mr FT posts his blip...).

An afternoon of (satisfactory) rugby watching later, we headed over to the Queen's Hall to hear the Unthanks perform the songs and poetry of Molly Drake. I'm a huge fan of Nick Drake's music and hearing these songs sung beautifully by Becky and Rachel Unthank brought alive that idea of the "missing link" of Nick Drake's music. It was a concert of music and words, transcending time, place and genre - folk, but not folk, songs mingled with poetry. It'll stay with me for some time.

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