
A day in the remotest parts of my area today - first the impressively ( and electionwise a little depressingly) remote Stainmores - stunning scenery but miles from anywhere.
Then up a long track into the Howgills - i used to run this way - but i was still surprised how many people lived up there. After the tarmac gave way to track, then rubble there was one last farm - what the heck - i headed up. I knocked amd waited, no one came. Left a leaflet and turned. At the gate i heard a deep guttural noise and turned - fortunatley a fence stood betwixt me and the 40 stone porcine behemoth that waddled over to stare at me. Engrossed in trying to get a blip I didnt notice I had more company.
I had a good chat with Dad, but young E (probs age 5 or 6) stole the show by telling me that this huge (apparently pet) beast (ive googled and think he's an Oxford Sandy & Black) is called Pigface.....because he looks like her big brother!

I'm guessing its an old family joke, but it still caused much hilarity. As someone with younger siblings I recognised the glee this caused.

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