Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

The View From The Top (almost)

Big surprise this morning. The phone rang at 8.30. Now that does not happen much on a Sunday morning but it was not really a surprise that it was acyclinggranny seeing if The Boss wanted to try out his new snowshoes on the 30cm of snow that yesterdays storm had brought. Well that was a hard one. The Boss could either stay home, take me for a walk and mow the lawn, or go snow shoeing. After a long period of serious consideration (2.7 seconds) the die was cast so to speak and he went off to make lunch (his) and The Bossess (who gets 15 barks and 3 hearts for this) took me for a walk. The Boss reports that the Snow Farm was amazing with fresh soft powder and The Boss enjoyed the event and also decided to keep his new snow shoes having well and truly broken them in with a daring bit of off piste work between trails that left him totally impressed.
It was a great day and The Boss returned about 4.30 and discovered the reason why he had married The Bossess in the first place some 37 years ago. She had mowed the lawn. Another 15 stars and 7 hearts and a life time supply of Lattes for THAT!
Following advice from acyclinggranny he then decided to have a LLD (little lie down)

It is certainly tough at the top as the picture shows. Taken about 2/3rds up the access road it does not really need an explanation...except to kindly turn right. Thank you.
For a wonderful view of The Boss staggering up a hill click here

Off to the mountains

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