Usual Route

Shot of the 'favourite' trough, at the corner of the farm closest to the road.  This appears to be their regular meet-and-greet when the weather is good.

Finished the wall with the window, facing the messy but spacious backyard.  It has a lot of potential and the previous owners were most likely too busy, or tired, or disinterested, to do anything with it.  Anyway, there was a 4.5-hour NCIS evening scheduled, and I didn't want to miss it.  Tomorrow, that section with the small room, or cabinet, under the stairs will be done.  Once the living room is done, many of the boxes can already be transported and our bedroom will be the next to be retouched.  I've decided to use the original white.  Hubby is busy cleaning the woodwork and sealing it.  The boxes should all be done by Sunday, our bedroom should be done by next week.  Possible snag next week, though -- I'll be returning to work.

Fabulous weather!  Some chill and showers occasionally, but only for short periods.  Not enough to keep us home.

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