St Bertin's Abbey, St Omer

Sunday 30th April 2017 (1709)
A cross country drive to St Omer this morning. First stop was St Bertin's Abbey, a Benedictine monastery of the 7th century. Not much of it left now but they have marked out where it would have stood. We also had a wander around Notre Dame Cathedral.
In search of more Abbey ruins we travelled on to Clairmarias. We missed the ruins but found a nature reserve instead. We were blessed with another day of glorious sunshine and it was also a lot warmer. We decided a walk around the reserve would be good but didn't appreciate how far you had to walk to get in to the reserve. We did some of the boardwalk but there wasn't a great deal to see so we returned to the car for our picnic. We did find the ruins on the way out of the village.
An early return back to base for a rest before a long drive home tomorrow.  

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