
By scribbler


Self-portrait from a photo in acrylics, calligraphy pen, Prismacolor wax crayons, Caran d'Ache watercolor crayons on Yupo.


I fought the good fight with my poems —
Some clever, some not up to snuff
I doff my chapeau to the poets,
Who wrote very excellent stuff!

The haiku and monologues posted
Were really a pleasure to read.
But now that our April is over,
It's quite a long nap that I need.

If you haven't dared try NaPoWriMo,
I encourage you all — take the leap!
And now that I've thanked you sincerely,
I look eagerly forward to sleep.

THANK YOU to everyone who posted one or more poems, especially those who don't consider themselves poets. You were great!
THANK YOU to everyone who read and commented on our efforts.
THANK YOU to everyone who posted poetry during April that was written by poets other than themselves.
IT'S NOT TOO LATE to investigate what we've been up to. Just click on the napowrimo2017 tag or enter it in the Search pane. 

Moi, I need a blip-free vacation! 
I'm taking a time-out to return to my poor neglected novel (yes, the new one — you can read the old one here) plus write a snarky postcard or two to the Orange Man in the White House. "Show us your taxes, Donald!" A girl's gotta live up to her pussyhat!
I wish you all the joys of spring (or autumn, for those below the equator).
Be well, and be blessed to be a blessing.

* Chapeau de Résistance by Wildwood.

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