Evening Ewes....

Read all about it!!

It's been a frantic few days, but now all the friends have left it seems far too quiet here.
It was just the dog with me this evening watching the sun set.

In my absence, thank you for all your brilliant comments, normal blip interaction will resume tomorrow!!

In the mean time enjoy our list of authors and book titles ( see yesterday)

Funny Book titles

Rusty Bedsprings by I P Nightly

Fleas in the Bed by Ivan Elovanitch

Woodland Walks by Teresa Green

Tooth Ache by Phil McCavity

Bad Cow Jokes by Terry Bull

I Can Read You Like A Book by Claire Voyant

Almost Late by Justin Time

Strong Winds by Gail Force

Parachuting by Hugo First and Niall Follow

Lewis Carroll by Alison Wonderland

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