
By Frogbit

Obedient robin

If it's Wednesday it's Wisley - possibly my favourite day of the week :)

This robin was obediently following instructions while it focussed on another close by. It was cheeping as though it was expecting food but it seems far too early for it to be a juvenile with such grown up plumage so I don't know. Could it have been an adult warning the other one off instead?

Eryngium agavifolium: spiky but seeds are easily cleaned. Not so the Thalictrum aquilegifolium. There was a vast amount and every seed had a stubborn jacket which only very reluctantly gave up its contents. I battled with it until lunchtime when R handed over the baby tomato plants which she raises for charity every year to their new owners: photo of the happy recipents in extras. She grows a huge number of different and unusual varieties which you'd never find in a garden centre.

After lunch I resumed work with Stipa gigantea instead; much easier but a lot of what could at first glance be seed turns out to be empty husk and these have to be discarded. leaving you with a rather disappointingly small pile of good seed.

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