Oh what big fangs....

....you have.

This spider was big and it's fangs really surprised me, how large are they? I'm sure you'd feel them going in flesh. 

Tonight was movie night.

We watched two films based on true events. Firstly came the film Gold set in the 1980's which was really enjoyable. Prospecting for gold is an interesting  subject to start with add some devious people into the mix and you have a story to tell. I do like Matthew McConaughey even though I do struggle to understand his dialogue from time to time...alright...alright...aaalright. It was a great plot of lies and deceit which kept me guessing right up to the end (I was unfamiliar with the true history of the story). 7/10

Next up was The Founder, another true narrative that is well worth watching. The story about the growth of McDonalds from the beginning. I really fell out with the "golden arches" at the end of the 90's and have never had one since, after watching "the handshake" in this movie I don't think one will ever pass my lips again. The film was brilliant and the acting so believable I was gripped from start to finish. I won't spoil the ins and outs as you should watch it if you haven't already. 8/10.

Mr Bo Hingles

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