Abbott's Wood

Alan had a day off work today, and wanted to go our for brunch.  I suggested going to the Arlington Bluebell Walk as it only opens for a few weeks while the Bluebells are in bloom, and it's due to close next week.  So we went to Alfriston for brunch at the Singing Kettle and then on to Arlington.  

Just before we reached the farm where the bluebell walk is, we passed Abbott's Wood and Alan noticed that there were lots of bluebells, so we went to have a look and decided to go for a walk here as it was free.  We weren't disappointed, it was just like a blue carpet.

On our way back home, Alan spotted a baby rabbit at the side of the country lane, so we stopped and he got out to try and move it off the road as we were worried it would get hit by a car.  It wasn't frightened at all and let him get really close and then it ran down the lane and hopped back through the hedge to safety. I've added a picture of it in my extras.

Rose and Randy have just arrived back after their few days away, so I'll go and catch up with them and then we have an appointment at the vets with Milou as he seems to have an ear infection.

The Tagine is cooking in the slow cooker and we'll just have a relaxing night tonight.

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