
By HareBrain

Not many people can

Fly a helicopter upside down and only inches from the ground but this amazing pilot can ......  Ok, you've guessed it, it's only a model and operated by a very talented young man at the Model Flying Club where I went today, under duress, to take some refreshments to Mr T.  Under duress??  well despite all your kind concern about my state of health yesterday, I'm sorry to report that I feel like crap even worse today now with a chest infection; takes me ages to do just the smallest of tasks.

This morning in our town around 2,500 runners took part in the annual 10K run but I didn't have the energy to get up before the road closures to take fabulous photos of the start or finish but I did walk a little way down the road to cheer the brave runners on, some professional and some not quite so.  I especially cheered on friends who took part and noticed a lot of people running for charity.    "Batman for one!

Do so hope I feel better tomorrow as I've got a wet felting course to go to.

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